100 Men in Black: A Fellowship of Faith and Leadership

The men of Bear Creek Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, fondly known as “The Creek,” are

hosting their second annual men’s fellowship, “100 Men in Black.”

This special event will take place on Sunday, June 9, 2024, at 3p.m. at 3476 Old Federal Rd, Quincy.

This year’s guest speaker is Elder Lakendric Green, Pastor of Mt. Calvary Primitive Baptist Church. Elder Green, inspired by Jeremiah the Prophet, says, “The words of the Lord are like a fire shut up in my bones—and it must come out!”

He will give a speech about this year’s theme, “The Replacement Mentality,” providing advice and guidance on overcoming this mindset.

The “replacement mentality” is a belief that people or groups feel others are pushing them out in areas like jobs, social status, cultural identity, or demographics. This feeling often comes from perceived threats in religion, economics, society, or politics. Deacon Leroy Reed, the chair of this year’s event stresses the need to mentor the next generation. He says, “Today’s adult men are in a position to teach the next generation of young Black men to conduct themselves and be leaders of their families.”

Rev. Terrence Milton, Pastor of The Creek, talks about the event’s spiritual goal of encouraging Black men in the community to mentor others and become strong family leaders while following God’s will.

Milton said he is inspired by Psalms 133: 1-2: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garment.”

The 100 Men in Black event aims to provide a plan for developing a new generation of leaders and breaking free from the chains of the replacement mentality. This event hopes to strengthen families through The Word and actions, creating a supportive community environment.

The event is free and open to the public, inviting everyone who wants to join. Deacon Leroy Reed and Co-chair Deacon Dwayne Gainous are leading this year’s event. Bear Creek Bethel Missionary Baptist Church is dedicated to being “A Caring Church for Changing Times,” always working to positively impact the community through faith, love, and service.

For more information on 100 Men in Black and how to support Bear Creek Bethel’s mission, call Deacon Reed at (850) 728-7314 or Deacon Gainous at (850) 510-0612.

Dr. Deborah Thigpen – Gadsden County News Service


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