Noah McArthur, a resident of the Inwood Community between Sneads and Grand Ridge, continues operating his “CAN”-paign for Kids recycling program to bless others who need a helping hand at Christmas and other times throughout the year.
McArthur has collected and sold aluminum cans for nearly 18 years to be able to raise funds to bless others, after deciding at a young age that he wanted to do something to help children who might not have as privileged a Christmas.
McArthur began picking up cans along the roadsides to raise money, and as word quickly spread about his efforts, others volunteered to collect and donate their cans to the cause.

With his can-campaign continuing nearly 18 years later, McArthur is quick to give all of the praise to the Lord and also his sincerest gratitude to the caring residents of the communities of Chattahoochee, Quincy, Sneads, Grand Ridge, Marianna, Bascom, and Malone, who all drop off can donations.
Many residents of Chattahoochee deliver their cans to the shed behind the Chattahoochee police station, which has served as a great central drop-off location.
McArthur also travels to pick up cans, as he receives calls from individuals, families, and businesses wanting to donate their aluminum cans; he also often discovers bags of cans that have been delivered anonymously to his home under his “can shed”.
Currently, McArthur is a senior at University of Central Florida in Orlando now and not home as much during the school semester, though he is able to keep the recycling program going because of the outstanding community support of the caring residents and friends in Gadsden and Jackson Counties.
McArthur expressed his load of gratitude towards everyone for the continued support and contributions, and to the Chattahoochee Police Department’s personnel for the use of their shed.
While the bags of cans take up their valuable storage space, they graciously share that space, as it is a great location and most sincerely appreciated.
This year, McArthur’s father, David McArthur presented the annual gift-buying check to Chattahoochee City Manager Robert Presnell; the check will be used to buy presents for children in the Chattahoochee area.
For more information about this program and its goal of “recycling to help others”, call and leave a message at (850) 209-4553.
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