April is the month that borders the edge of spring and summer, and Havana gardeners and residents have been using the balmy weather to get outdoors and work on their lawns.
Each month, the Havana Garden Club selects a residential and commercial Yard of the Month – awarding the lawn-owners and gardeners with a full month of compliments as one of Havana’s most spectacular gardens.
The April Residential Yard of the Month award was presented to Timmy and Shirley Barber of 10th Avenue.
The Barbers were nominated for the award by a community individual who passes by on their daily walks, and praised the Barbers’ yard when speaking to garden club members.
“Their yard is always lovely,” said Diane Croley, of the garden club’s Yard of the Month selection committee. “But this year, the Snap Dragons and Amaryllis are really putting on a show.”
The beautiful yard is an effort of both Shirley and Timmy – Shirley selects and buys the plants, and Timmy puts them into the ground.
“We think they make a great team,” Croley adds.
The April Commercial Yard of the Month was presented to Tabatha Nelson of Lollybroch and Co., located at 202 Northwest 1st Street, in the heart of downtown Havana.
“Her planters and flower boxes [are] full of bees knees petunias,” said Croley, adding that Nelson’s floral front of her business are a ‘bright and welcoming’ addition to Havana’s downtown shopping district.
The Havana Garden Club is currently accepting nominations for future Yards of the Month.
Nominations can be either for the commercial or residential award.
If you would like to nominate someone, or yourself, for the Yard of the Month awards, call Dianne Croley at (850) 539-8191.
The nominated yard (residential or commercial) must be within the 32333 zip code.
Ashley Hunter – Gadsden County News Service