The Chattahoochee City Council has been busy since budget season has rolled around.
On August 14, the council had its first budget workshop of the year, followed by a second workshop August 21 and a third on August 28.
Then, at its regular monthly meeting on September 11, the council voted unanimously 5-0 for the first of two readings to set the city’s 2018-19 millage rate (the figure used to calculate property taxes) at 0.9746.
At the same meeting, the council approved the first of two readings of the city’s budget for fiscal year 2018-19. Mayor Christopher Moultry opposed.
The council also voted to increase the city’s electric energy rates by 0.5 cents per kilowatt-hour in order to generate more income to balance the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
The Florida Municipal Electric Association reported that in June, Chattahoochee residential electric bills were the lowest in the state.
The second and final reading for both Chattahoochee’s 2018-19 millage rate and fiscal year 2018-19 budget will take place in the Chattahoochee City Council Chambers at 22 Jefferson Street at 6:30 p.m. on the evening of Tuesday, September 25.