Town and city councils in the municipalities of Havana, Quincy, Gretna, Chattahoochee, and Greensboro all had council seats open for re-election for the elected officials holding those positions.
In Quincy, the council seat for District 2 (currently held by Angela Grant Sapp) is being challenged by Devonta Knight and Derrick Elias.
The council seat for District 4, held by Freida Bass-Prieto, was also up for reelection, but as no one registered to run against Bass-Prieto, the current councilwoman will continue to serve the City of Quincy’s residents.
In Gretna, two of the seats for the city council were up for election – Seat 1 (held by Evelyn Riley-Goldwire) and Seat 3 (held by Jeffery McNealy).
As no other candidates registered to run against Riley-Goldwire and McNealy, the two will continue to hold their seats on the town council.
Likewise, the City of Chattahoochee had three council seats open for election, but a lack of opposition means that Anquarnette “Ann” Richardson (District 1), Amy Glass (District 3), and Lou Bennie Ann Williams (District 5) will serve the town, unopposed.
Havana also has four seats up for reelection, with no opposition from new candidates.
Group 4 in Havana will continue to be served by incumbent Nick Bert, with Janice (Butler) Hart continuing to serve Group 5, and Edward Bass remaining as Group 6’s board representative.
However, the town will see a newcomer to the town council, with the arrival as Tim Loughmiller for Group 7’s seat.
Previously, Group 7 was held by Councilwoman Warkeen Jordan, who did not register for reelection this year; Loughmiller was the only applicant to run for the position, and so will be entering the town council position unopposed.
The Town of Greensboro will be having an election this year, as the council currently has three new names on the list of potential candidates for the council.
Group 1 has Kimberly Boyer and Brenda Kaye Martinez both vying for the seat.
Group 2 has incumbent William Michael Pitts running for reelection against newcomer Justin Lamar Alday.
While Havana, Gretna, and Chattahoochee will not be holding a municipal election (as no opposition was presented to its candidates), both Greensboro and Quincy will be holding an election for their town councils on April 26.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26 for residents of Quincy and Greensboro.
The Quincy polling place will be Quincy City Hall, located at 404 West Jefferson Street.
The Greensboro polling place will be Greensboro Town Hall, located at 150 East 11th Street.
Ashley Hunter –