Do you have a young sports enthusiast looking to get involved in a local team?
The City of Chattahoochee currently has open registrations on the city’s Wee-Ball, Tee-Ball, and Dixie Youth baseball teams for the 2022 sports seasons.
The Wee-Ball team will be open to children in ages 3-4, the Tee-Ball team will be for ages 5-6, the AA team will be for ages 7-8, the AAA team will be for ages 9-10, and the Ozone team will be for ages 11-12.
The deadline to register your young athlete is March 18.
Registration forms are available at Chattahoochee City Hall, and Chattahoochee Recreation Department.
The registration fee for all teams will be $10 per athlete.
For more information about this year’s Chattahoochee teams, contact Carlos McMillian at (850) 694-8868
Ashley Hunter –