City of Chattahoochee to hold election for three city council seats

Three seats on the City of Chattahoochee Council will be up for election in the upcoming months.

On Tuesday, April 26, Chattahoochee residents will be able to vote on who will be leading City Districts 1, 3, and 5.

Currently, the election is still accepting candidates, although the qualifying period will begin on March 14 and end on March 18 – so none of the current council members have not yet filed for re-election.

Anyone who wishes to run for the city council must be a registered voter and reside within the city limits of Chattahoochee.

Council seat terms are for two-year periods.

Currently, the holders of the seats are Ann Richardson (District 1), Amy Glass (District 3), and Ann Williams – at large (District 5).

Those wishing to qualify for the city council must file the necessary qualifying papers and pay the required filing fee.

Qualifying paperwork can be filed at Chattahoochee City Hall, located at 22 Jefferson Street.

If you have questions, you can call the Chattahoochee City Clerk, Rhonda Woodward at (850) 663-4046.

City residents wishing to vote in this election must be registered to vote by Monday, March 28, 2022, at 5 p.m.

Voter registration applications are available at the Gadsden County Supervisor of Elections, public libraries, or online at

Ashley Hunter –


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