At its regular monthly meeting this past Tuesday night, the Sneads Town Council announced that it plans to adopt a golf cart ordinance that would allow usage of the vehicles on city streets where the speed limit is 30 mph or less.
The council noted the ordinance would not apply to All Terrain Vehicles, i.e. four-wheeler ATVs. Helmets may be required in the ordinance, and the vehicles could be allowed to cross state and federal highways such as Highway 90, but not enter them.
The action came after a report by Sneads Police Chief Mike Miller saying golf cart use is popular but needs to be supported by an ordinance.
“Florida statutes require that we have an ordinance,” Miller told the council, ”which we do not have at this time.” Miller said after the meeting that no tickets have been written for local golf cart users yet, but that a public awareness program is ongoing.
“I have a copy of the Chattahoochee golf cart ordinance,” council member Mike Weeks said. “I think we can put something together based on that.”
Miller’s report to the council included an announcement that on March 5 the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is coming to the Sneads Police Department to perform an audit on evidence room materials and procedures, as requested by both the council and Chief Miller.