These days, the sleepy village of River Junction is barely noticeable as one travels down the highway. With little more than a few rustic old buildings and sign denoting its historical borders, “blink and you’ll miss it,” as the popular saying goes. But when this photo was taken in the 1910s, River Junction was bustling, as was its railroad depot. Dozens, sometimes scores, of locals and out-of-towners convened daily on the River Junction depot platform, waiting to catch a ride on the Apalachicola Northern Railroad. Gone are the days of passenger trains in the area, but visit the Railroad Depot Museum in nearby Greensboro, and you can view artifacts from the Apalachicola Northern line and other passenger trains servicing Jackson and Gadsden counties. Does anyone have an early memory of riding a passenger train in our area before service ceased in the mid 20th century? Tell us about it! Email your story to