Sneads Basketball has rolled in, showing promising accomplishments for the Pirates team.
The Sneads Pirates have settled into their basketball season with a great start and the winning scores are more than solid proof.
With six wins and only two losses thus far, the team is proving to have the motivation, dedication, and skills needed for a successful outcome this season.
Pirates Wyatt Burch (#5) has proved his worth to the team with his quick reflexes and “snatch and grab” techniques that achieve fast ball recoveries for his team.
Kurdiss Baker (#3) and Peyton Brown (#12), along with Burch, are the strong shooters for the Pirates.

During last week’s game against the Liberty County Bulldogs, the first period of the game ended with Pirates leading 15-12.
It was a close start but as the game continued on, the Pirates kept a good lead throughout.
Marvin Brown (#14) took his place on the court and quickly made his mark with a score for the Pirates during the second period.
“We are just getting started,” Brown stated with enthusiasm, as he looks forward to playing many more games this season.
Peyton Brown made a perfect hook shot in the third period with 3:27 left on the clock, bringing the Pirates score up to 39-20.
The period ended with nine fouls tallied for Liberty and three fouls toward the Pirates.
By the end of the period, the score was in the Pirates’ favor, 51-22.

In the fourth period, freshman point guard Michael Perkins (#1) finally got his hands on the ball and took a shot, but the ball got stuck between the backboard and the rim.
The Pirates were able to add seven more points on the board, as the Bulldogs struggled to accumulate nine more in an attempt to catch up with no luck.
Head Basketball Coach Tyler Wilson was appreciative to see the Chattahoochee News Herald & Sneads Sentinel attending last week’s winning game against the Liberty Bulldogs as he discussed the upcoming game schedules.
“We have all away games next week,” said Wilson.
He was very pleased with the 58-31 win against the Liberty Bulldogs.
The Pirates still have many more games on the schedule and if you are a Pirates fan, be sure to try to attend one of their home (or away) games and cheer on the team
Patricia Smith – Gadsden County News Center