Tagged Youth


4-H members honored at banquet

A gathering for the annual Gadsden 4-H Banquet was held in Quincy’s Thomas Memorial Baptist Church’s gymnasium on Friday, May 31. This potluck-style event attracted over 150 participants, many being family and friends of the 4-H Members. “The main goal of the 4-H is to plug into the community through horticulture-based youth development,” said Danielle…

Sneads Pirates Softball Team are Bagging up the Wins – The Lady Pirates are playing to get to the championships, and it is looking like they just might!

The Sneads Lady Softball Team is crushing the season with a 6-3 overall standing. This year is already proving to be full of impressive accomplishments and fun times for the ladies as they continue to push themselves to be their best. The Lady Pirates lost their first game of the season against the Liberty County…

2024 Little League registration is open for Gadsden – Spring baseball registration is open for ages 3-12 and has been extended until February 1.

All Gadsden County residents ages 3-12 are zoned to play baseball with the Northwest Leon Little League. The league is now accepting registrants through February 1. Registration fees are as follows: Wee-Ball ages 3-4 $65.00, Tee-Ball ages 5-6 $65.00, Machine Pitch ages 6-8 $85.00, Minors ages 8-10 $85.00, Majors ages 10-12, $85.00, and Seniors ages…

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