Daily Archives: May 31, 2023


QPD celebrates National Police Week

The Quincy Police Department recently celebrated National Police Week by hosting a week full of events, all aimed at remembering those lost in the line of duty while celebrating and honoring those who continue to serve on the frontline of public safety. National Police Week was from Sunday, May 14 – Saturday May, 20. Officers…


A Slice of South Africa in Quincy

On Tuesday May 23, a crowd gathered at Quincy’s historic First Episcopal Church for a presentation by Desmond Kurz, a South African native, regarding the beautiful minutiae of the RainbowNation. Soetkoekies, dipped in hot Rooibos tea, were served alongside the presentation, during which a decisive amount of history was divulged. Much was mulled over as…


Gadsden Arts hosts an opening reception for Golden Legacy: 80 years of Golden Books

Last Thursday May 25, The Gadsden Arts Center and Museum held the opening reception for “Golden Legacy: 80 years of Golden Books.”  Ceremonies for Teen Art Council Students, longtime Gadsden Arts Artists Guild members, and Longtime Leaders of Gadsden Arts were also held concurrently. The “Golden Books” reception presented an appreciation of the beautiful artistry…

DeSantis enters presidential race

 Gov. Ron DeSantis made his White House bid official Wednesday, announcing a 2024 presidential run in an online discussion with Elon Musk that ended months of speculation and set up a clash with former President Donald Trump. As he entered a growing Republican primary field, DeSantis, 44, pledged to be an “energetic executive” who “will…

VA’s Office of Inspector General Strikes Again

The Department of Veterans Affairs’ Office of Inspector General was asked to review the response of facility leaders at a certain VA health location when there had been allegations of sexual harassment of a mental health patient. Specifically, the patient claimed to have been harassed via social media by a food service worker and reported…

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