Newly elected Rep. Gallop Franklin (D-Tallahassee) recently received his first committee assignments.
Franklin was assigned to the Education & Employment Committee, Education Quality Subcommittee, Insurance & Banking Subcommittee, Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee,Health Care Regulation Subcommittee, and Select Committee on Hurricane Resiliency & Recovery.
“As a newly elected House Representative, I am pleased to be assigned to these diverse committees, as I will be able to influence legislation in the important areas of insurance, banking, education, and healthcare,” Franklin said. “I am excited to sit on the Health Care Regulation Subcommittee, which will consider a wide variety of issues responding to the changing demands of the state’s public health programs, long-term care facilities, acute-care hospitals, pharmacies and other health-care services.”
Franklin said he looks forward to addressing complex challenges, working with the members of the committees he has been assigned, and being a voice for the residents of Gadsden and Leon counties.
Franklin and other lawmakers took their committee posts on December 12 when the Legislature convened for a Special Session to address property insurance issues and Hurricane Ian property tax relief.

Erin Hill – Gadsden County News Service