After a couple months hiatus, the Havana Garden Club has resumed choosing its yards of the month.
For March, the residential yard of the month was awarded to Betsy Coxen of 505 E. 9th Avenue.
“It was hard to get a good photo of this yard because there were so many colorful things blooming in every corner,” club member Diane Croley said. “Both the front and the back porch contained pots of brightly colored pansies and petunias. The beds containing daffodils and tree size loropetalum were blooming in the yard behind the white picket fence.”
Croley noted the owner is working on renovating the extensive gardens of the former owner and she is in the process of creating a showplace.
The commercial yard of the month is awarded to the Havana Magnet School students who attend Sprouts Academy, which is a club sponsored by the Havana Garden Club. In learning all about gardening, this group of young folks has taken an old and abandoned greenhouse on the school grounds and turned it into a small spot of beauty. They have been growing flowers, vegetables and succulents and will have an assortment of plants to sell at the annual Garden Club plant sale in April.
Erin Hill – Gadsden County News Service
March 2024 Residential Yard of the Month is awarded to Betsy Coxen of 505 E. 9th Avenue
The March Commercial Yard of The month is awarded to the Havana Magnet School students who attend Sprouts Academy. Havana Magnet School’s landscape is beautifully decorated with painted rocks and bright flowers.