Havana Girl Scouts sell cookies at pop-up booth

The Girl Scouts of Havana gathered downtown last Saturday for a sale of their classic cookies.

Boxes of caramel Somoas, peanut buttery Do-si-Dos, crisp Thin Mints, and chocolate-drenched Tagalongs were sold to the Havana residents who stopped in to support the local troop.

Led by Dorothy Roberts, the troop operates out of a home base in Havana Magnet School.

The troop is open to girls between the grades of kindergarten to eighth, and they meet biweekly to discuss scout business and put the girls scouting to action.

The local Girl Scouts typically sell their cookies on Northwest First Street, near the Havana Main Street home office – Havana Main Street allows the girls to set up their cookie booth and sell to the public.

While the public received a sweet treat after stopping in at the Girl Scout booth, the scouts received the opportunity to learn how to interact with customers, handle money, and count inventory – all important professional life skills that will aid them in whatever future endeavors they decide to take on.

Ashley Hunter – mail@prioritynews.net


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