Tagged Education


Quincy Police take local youth to participate in the HBCU Promise Initiative

Members of Quincy Police Department’s Juvenile Intervention Services Division recently took several local youth to Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University to take part in the Historically Black College and University Promise Initiative. The HBCU Promise is, “TO CHANGE THE WORLD!” According to a press release from the department, the youth were able to interact with…


100 years and counting

Turning 100 is a milestone to be celebrated and bragged about. An accomplishment of living that long, is a feat that not many have had the chance to see. One such person to be counted among the centenarians–a rare population of individuals who reach 100 years or more–is Hester Lee, or Heady as she is…

Buying a New Vehicle

We all cringe the day when it becomes apparent that we need to buy a new vehicle. And it’s not only the expense that makes us leery. It’s the whole process of wondering how we’re going to be treated if we go to a dealership. The best way to handle it is: Do your homework…

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