Tagged Opinion


Short Takes

Local resident receives degree from University of Tennessee Martin A Gadsden County resident was among students who received degrees from the University of Tennessee at Martin during spring commencement ceremonies held May 4, 2024, on the University of Tennessee Martin campus in Martin, Tennessee. Some 600 students participated in University of Tennessee at Martin’s spring…


Short Takes – Chipola Foundation Scholarships now available online

Chipola FoundationScholarships nowavailable online The Chipola Foundation scholarship application process has changed to an all online process for the Fall 2024 semester and the scholarship list and application links are now available on the Chipola College Foundation webpage. The Chipola College Foundation scholarship list for the 2024-2025 school year is now available. The scholarship list…

Hometown headlines: Trust in Florida local media among the highest in America, study reveals.

In an age where America’s political divide is increasingly mirrored in the media consumption habits of its citizens, the local media landscape offers a glimpse of hope. National news outlets, often seen through a partisan lens, contrast with the more trusted local media. A survey conducted by PRFire.com, involving 3,000 participants, reveals a complex yet…


Letter to the Editor

To the editor, The delayed federal farm bill should include increased public funding for cultivated-meat research. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, cultivated meat is grown from livestock cells, without slaughter. It has the potential to dramatically reduce the suffering we inflict on animals, as well as our greenhouse-gas emissions and pandemic risk….

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